Veterans For Peace 2024 Convention
CEASEFIRE NOW! Demilitarize and Decolonize! was the theme of the 39th Veterans For Peace National Convention held online Friday through Sunday, August 16 to 18. Click here to access the entire program.
This year’s convention was dynamic, informative, exciting, and brilliant. One of the Friday keynotes was Jewish U.S. Army Major Harrison Mann, who explained why he resigned over U.S. support of the Israel-Hamas war. Senior Airman Juan Bettancourt discussed his public declaration as a conscientious objector. And Black Agenda Report editor Margaret Kimberley, a well-known radio personality shared her perspective on current events.
The focus on Gaza continued Saturday, with a panel that included Palestinian American activist and lawyer Huwaida Arraf; Israeli military refuser Elik Elhanan, who co-founded the Israeli-Palestinian Combatants for Peace; and legislative specialist Odeliya Matter, who works as a Program Associate on Middle East Policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Freedom Flotilla participants were featured panelists for Sunday’s program, “We Sail Until Palestine is Free."​​
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