Business Meeting
VFP Business Meeting Format 2024
The VFP Business meeting will be held on Saturday, August 17th at 12pm ET, 11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT.
The following format is in accordance with our bylaws, policies and procedures, and Robert's Rules of Order and duplicates the process we used the past two years which seemed to work well.
Registering for the Business Meeting
All members are encouraged to register for this year's business meeting, which is separate from our online convention. Members must be current in their dues to participate.
An email to all current VFP members will be sent on Friday, August 9, 2024 with the link to register for the business meeting. If you don't receive the link to register, but believe your dues are current, please email Shelly Rockett: (shelly@veteransforpeace.org).
To renew your member dues, click here or if you'd like to become a member click here.
Proposed Resolutions and Bylaw Changes coming soon
All Members, including both Veteran Members and Associate Members, shall be entitled to speak to resolutions presented before the Annual Convention. All Members, including both Veteran Members and Associate Members, shall be entitled to one vote on resolutions.
Starting this year, all members (Veteran and Associate) in good standing may vote on Board of Directors Candidates. The procedure for voting for resolutions will take place in the same manner and time as the elections for the Board of Directors.
VFP is looking for 5 dedicated veteran members to serve on the national Board of Directors. Your work on the national Board will help ensure Veterans For Peace remains a strong and viable organization working for the cause of peace.
If you are interested in being a Board member, please fill out the Candidate Questionnaire form.
See Veterans For Peace Bylaws ARTICLE VII. ELECTIONS for more information on election governance. Please note that Board nominees MUST have a DD214 on record with the VFP national office if you are running for a veteran seat.
People of color, women, and younger veterans are encouraged to apply. In recent years, Veterans For Peace has made some progress toward achieving a more diverse membership, including on our Board of Directors.
Click here to read the Board Member Expectations.
The deadline to submit your name is 7 days after the close of the National Convention.
Board of Directors

Susan Schall - President

Joshua Shurley - VP

Paul Cox - Secretary

Mike Tork - Treasurer
Board Members

Nyamekye Anderson

Ellen Barfield

Gerry Condon

Ellen Davidson

Nick Mottern

Matt Southworth

Kelly Wadsworth

Mike Wong

Stephen Zollman