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Stan Levin

U.S. Navy signalman

Stan Levin was born on September 6, 1928 in Philadelphia, the first of four children. His family grew up in the "Great" Depression, the plight of millions from that era, enduring trauma and deprivation that were all too common nationwide. He was not well-behaved and caused problems in school from an early age.

Undisciplined, Stan had a wanderlust by nature and strayed from home often. His parents never asked where he had been or what he had been up to. During his short time in high school, he learned that he loved gymnastics, quitting school to become a professional acrobat in show business.

Always restless, Stan joined the Navy in 1950 and was shipped to San Diego at a time when things were stirring on the Korean Peninsula. He had a serious accident and did time in the Naval hospital, picking up his GED while there. After seeing action in North Korea, he left the service as a SO2 (Sonarman 2nd Class).

Following his military discharge in 1954, circumstances led to his obtaining both a B.A. and M.A. in education as well as a teaching certificate - all while earning a low grade-point average from San Diego State College.

He taught elementary school classes for approximately seventeen year, meeting and marrying Estelle out of high school, with whom he had three children. His oldest, David, was tragically lost in a parachute accident. His daughters are retired, and he will soon be 94 years old.

He is a proud member of San Diego Chapter 91 Veterans for Peace.

Stan Levin
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