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Laura Meza


Laura Meza is a deported & repatriated US Army and Iraq War veteran. Born in a small Town in Costa Rica, she arrived in the US at the age of five. After graduating high school, she joined the Army, with a goal of embracing higher education and becoming a US citizen. During training, she embraced the spirit of pride and joy to serve her country.

After AIT, she was deployed to Germany, where she was the victim of MST, and soon found herself en route to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) where she served as a dental assistant as well as manpower, carrying wounded soldiers and civilians. 

Upon Laura's return home, her struggle with the effects of war as well as her MST, led her to self-medicate. This led to legal issues and she was Deported in 2009 from the country she was willing to give her life for. Life in Costa Rica was very challenging for a full-time mom with a young son Jaden with ADHD. Caring for her child and volunteering as a preschool teacher helped her to endure the pain and trauma.

On Apr 17, 2023, with the amazing work of Atty. Lindsay Toczylowski, Founding Director of the Immigrant Defenders Law Center. Laura and Jaden arrived back home in the USA into the waiting arms of her US citizen Mom, Dad, sister and her other treasures, her daughter and granddaughter.

Laura now faces a different struggle to adjust to a new life in the USA, while still struggling with the lived trauma and horrors.

Laura Meza
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