Lennard De Klerk
Owner, Irota EcoLodge
Lennard De Klerk has developed businesses in Central and Eastern Europe with a focus on climate change and environmental technologies. He developed climate projects under the Kyoto Protocol to purchase the resulting CO2 reductions on behalf of the Dutch government. In 2004, he founded a consultancy company to develop Joint Implementation (JI) projects in Ukraine and Russia with a portfolio of more than 55 JI Projects, which was reducing 64 million tCO2. He built the Irota EcoLodge resort in Eastern Hungary, consisting of three villas and a shared biological pool, in which a number of environmental technologies were applied. This resort is the first and so far the only carbon-neutral accommodation in Hungary. He started an initiative to determine the impact of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine on carbon emissions and is lead and co-author on emissions reports from the war in Ukraine and estimates of emissions from war in Gaza.